Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Tribulations on a winter morning

This morning when the alarm went off, I woke up bleary-eyed, with a strong desire to bunk work, but as they say, “If wishes were horses, beggars could ride”, so I just pushed myself out of bed and got ready. The weather outside was making things worse for me; Bangalore’s winters can make you feel lazy, arousing all kinds of cravings in you. When I say ‘all’ it means ALL!!
It was so cold that I felt like skipping my bland 'low fat-low carb' breakfast for a day, and hopping into the nearby restaurant to feast on a plate of hot vada-sambar, but I didn’t have much time left to reach office, so just swallowed the dreary bit of breakfast and embarked on the long journey to office, and the drive to office was more saddening than I could imagine, here’s why….
First of all, the bone-chilling weather made it very difficult to drive fast ‘cos the wind was hitting me in the face and making my body shiver, I decided to drive slowly even if it meant that I would be late to office for the third consecutive day. I pass Mount Carmel College everyday on the way to work, and there were couples already sitting in the café opposite to the college at as early as 8.30 in the morning, enjoying their coffee and whispering sweet nothings to each other…..aww! that was a punch in the face for me. Anyways, I consoled myself saying they’ll also have to go to work some day and be in the same situation as I’m in now, and moved on.
Next, I hit M.G Road and saw a bunch of kids with their parents, just coming out of the Metro station all excited, presumably after their first ride on the train, another cause for envy! I just remembered my school and college days when we had to do nothing but sit in class, pretending to listen to the teacher and escape into our own dreamlands. I just wish I could turn back time! Really!
After battling a bit with the traffic near Trinity Circle and emerging triumphant, I finally reached office, and under the angry gaze of my manager, sat in my seat to begin the day’s work, and a new BATTLE just began!

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