Friday, 5 August 2011

Happy Friendship Day!

Today is a day dedicated to friendship, and I remember what great importance we attached to this day when in school. When we first started celebrating Friendship Day, we'd buy rolls of different colored thread, cut them into small lengths and braid those strands of thread together and make as many friendship bands as possible, to tie to our friends in school. Later, these bands got commercialised, and were available in shops, ready to use. Since this day comes around the same time as rakhi, the friendship bands are sold in the same shops that sell rakhis, and some people used to mistake rakhis for friendship bands, and tie them to friends.....ha...ha.....thankfully my school wasn't a co-ed, I wonder what turmoil the guys in those schools go through!

When I think of friendship, the first song that comes to mind is Mustafa Mustafa, I used to love the song like crazy, I liked it for a number of reasons, firstly for the hero, I had a HUGE crush on him (I still have his poster in my cupboard!), the song picturised friendship in the most endearing way, and its lyrics were beautiful!

Today, I was just thinking, what does friendship really mean? Is it just about hanging out with people you like and having a good time with them, or does it have a deeper bearing? For me, friendship is something that is much more deeper, it means being a parent, a sibling, a guardian, a guide and a buddy to anybody you consider to be a friend, while taking care not to break into their privacy. I could just give them my suggestions and opinions, but not try to change their own, and not want them to completely embrace my opinions, just because I feel I'm right. It means standing by them come what may! I don't know if this is an idealistic way of looking at things, but this is what really friendship means to me.
What's your idea of friendship, by the way? And is it really hard to find such friends these days?? I guess so....!

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